
Wednesday, August 11, 2021


We learnt about Onomatopoeia. They are words that sound like the sound they make, e.g. buzz-the sound a bee makes. I wrote a poem using Onomatopoeia. I decided to do mine about dogs.Because dogs are so cute and fluffy. I choose this black background because it would be better to see the teal easier. I decided to go with teal coloured words because its a bright and a really easy colour to see. To do this what I had to do was learn a we bit about Onomatopoeia at school and then make my own poem using Onomatopoeia and then publish it on a Google Drawing. So I hope you like it and leave some comments in the comments section down below. And I will see you in my next blog post that I end up putting on my blog.

Thursday, August 5, 2021

Olympic Athlete

This is my Olympic Athlete we were learning about the Olympics we each pick our Athlete I picked Katie Bowen because my name is Katie.It was a really fun activity we searched up what our Athlete information was. Next I write what the sport was her sport was football and when she was five years old she wanted to be a footballer.Then I searched  up some more and more stuff about my Athlete her birth place Auckland then born 1994 and then age 27 and last one height 173 cm.